Monday, December 13, 2010

Flacos Tacos

After I was here in Chicago for a few weeks, I finally got to eat downtown.  Crazy right, living 20 minutes from downtown and it took about 2 weeks before I ate in town!  I was cruising around town, met up with a friend and decided I was hungry.  So, I found this local joint around the corner and thought with a name like Flacos Tacos, how could I go wrong... I decided to just order the nightly special, Chicken Fajitas!!  You just almost can't go wrong with something so simple.  Sauteed peppers and onion, mexican rice and re-fried beans, warm tortilla shells, yeah that's good.  All I needed was an ice cold Goose Island root beer and I'd have been set!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Meat and Cheese Plate

I attended a thanksgiving dinner and last minute had to decide what to bring.  Without making the same thing that anyone else might have made, I decided to make a quick meat and cheese plate.  I figured I would be there a little early so why not make an appetizer for everyone to munch on while everything is finishing up!  (Imagine me being late, ok, so I was late to the party)  But my meat and cheese plate disappeared!  It had black peppered salami, prosciutto, sharp white cheddar, fresh mozzarella & some brie cheese.  Also some green grapes and apple slices.  Not too shabby for last minute.

Goose Island Root Beer

I am a huge fan of root beer.  Always looking for something different, local and new to me.  Now, my constant is IBC root beer, you can't go wrong with a root beer company born out of prohibition!  Since living in Chicago, I have come across Goose Island root beer.  Chicago's answer to root beer, and its pretty good, has a hint of vanilla and is pretty mellow!  Not too shabby.